Human Resources

Human Resource

a.         The district has 2,200 employees

b.        Accessed new staff on payroll.

c.         Mentoring of staff was done.

d.        Handled a number of disciplinary cases under Rewards and Sanctions Committees

e.         On welfare, facilitated National and District functions like NRM day celebrations and Independence day celebrations. The Department was able to organize end of year party and recognized the best employees in the District.

f.         Paid pension and gratuity for the period under review

g.         Supported four staff to undertake career development courses under CBG in the areas of Monitoring & Evaluation, Human Resource Management, Financial Management and Anaesethia.

h.        Conducted training of council members and heads of department in the areas of HIV/AIDS awareness and Gender mainstreaming.

i.          Conducted training of staff due for retirement on skills of survival outside the civil service.