Population & Culture
Dressing code: The Batooro dressing code is among the best dressing in Africa. At first they used the back cloth which is still honored on some important tradition occasions such as on Empango of Tooro kingdom. With the coming of the British colonialists the textiles were established and the cotton clothing started. With this still, the Batooro decided on how to use them. They use Suits (Ekiteteyi and Esuka with Ekitambi and Ekihuta in modern times but these were called Ekyesomeko, omwenagiro, Ekihuta, omwekindikiro for female and a coat with Ekanzu for male.)
Others include Traditional marriage where Ladies introduce their husbands to be to their parents, worshiping, (Christians, Moslems, and other interesting cults.), Hotels with interesting ornamentals, politics, Traditional Dancing, Function days and celebrationslike empango and wild life trade shows etc.
Basic Demographic and Socio-economic Indicators for Kyenjojo
Total Population (Mid-2019 Projection): 502,700
Female population (Mid-2019 Projection): 252,317
Male population: (Mid-2019 Projection): 250,383
Percentage of total population that is male: 49.9%
Percentage of population that is female: 50.1%
Percentage urban (Mid-2019 Projection): 15.4%
Percentage rural (Mid-2019 Projection): 84.6%
Percentage share of Uganda’s total Population: 1.2%
Primary school population aged 6 – 12 years (2019): 105,064
Secondary School population aged 13 – 19 years (2019): 100,540
Sex ratio of total population (2014 census): 98.0
Population density (2014 census): 95.7 persons per Sq Kms
Under -5 mortality: 81 deaths per 1,000 live birth
%age of under -5 children stunted: 41%
%age of households with at least one ITN: 77%
Fertility rate: 5.4 children per woman
Population growth rate: 3.88%
Life Expectancy: 44 years
Pupil Teacher Ratio (Primary, 2017): 70:1
Net Primary enrolment for persons 6-12 years: 73%
Net secondary enrolment for persons 13-18years: 24%
Literacy rate: 67%
Literacy rate-male: 71%
Literacy rate-female: 64%
Employment to population ratio (14-64 years): 47%
Unemployment rate (14-64 years): 7%
Poverty estimates (proportion of poor persons) 11.1%
Average household size: 4.7
Age Structure in Kyenjojo:
Age group Percentage
0 – 05 Years 23%
0 - 14 Years 49.3%
0 – 18 Years 58%
15 - 64 Years 47.7%
65+ Years 3%